Governance and Management

We work to fulfil the institutional mission of promotion in support of the country's development policy, respecting the values of commitment and transparency


Board of Directors

  • Raffaele Ferrara, Chairman
  • Giancarlo Scotti, Chief Executive Officer
  • Maurizio Di Fonzo, Director
  • Simona Pergreffi, Director
  • Greta Tellarini, Director
  • Veronica Tibiletti, Director



Management Team

  • Giancarlo Scotti, Chief Financial Officer a.i.
  • Filippo Catena, Fondi Abitare Sociale Manager
  • Chiara Caruso, Fondi Turismo Manager
  • Piergiorgio Mandolesi, Fondo Infrastrutture Manager
  • Guglielmo Calabresi, Fondo Sviluppo Manager
  • Marco Nicolò, Fondo Valorizzazione Immobili Manager
  • Roberto Mangani, Legal FAS, FVI and Fondi Turismo

The other functions

  • Luca Ruffino, Head of Legal and Corporate Affairs
  • Lorella Campi, Head of Communications and Events
  • Serena Zuzolo, Head of Internal Audit
  • Andrea Franconi, Head of Risk
  • Andrea Carletto, Head of Human Resources, Organisation, ICT and Logistics

The Company has a Supervisory Body that monitors the functioning and compliance with the Organisational, Management and Control Model adopted by the Company in accordance with Legislative Decree 231/2001.

Board of Statutory Auditors

  • David Sabatini, Chairman
  • Daniela Delfrate, Standing auditor
  • Carlo Ferocino, Standing auditor
  • Alessandro Manias, Alternates auditor
  • Valentina Doris, Alternates auditor
Company documents