Scotti at 32nd Scenari Immobiliari Forum

Scotti at 32nd Scenari Immobiliari Forum

CDP Real Asset was once again present at the annual Scenari Immobiliari Forum, this year in its 32nd iteration, which brings together the leading Italian operators on the real estate market.

Interviewed by the President of Scenari Immobiliari Mario Breglia, CEO Giancarlo Scotti began by highlighting the company’s achievements in the last year: from the expansion of its range of social housing solutions in response to the housing crisis, gradually extended to the “3 S’s” of Social Housing (social, student and senior housing), to the launch of important projects for the restoration of urban spaces; from the broadening of its activities to support the tourism and hospitality sector and identify new tourism trends to support for investments in the energy transition and the circular economy, in line with the UN 2030 Agenda.

“In terms of social infrastructure we launched the senior housing asset class and strengthened our student housing activities where, with our FNAS fund of funds, we invested in 5 target funds, financing 24 operations for a total of 6800 new beds, while in the area of green infrastructure, through FOF Infrastrutture we invested in 4 funds, supporting over 25 operations – explained Scotti – underlining how CDP Real Asset acted as a catalyst in both sectors, driving up investments from other institutional investors and enabling the target funds to multiply their funding by over 4 times, for a total of around €1.5 billion.

Scotti also reiterated how CDP Real Asset also managed to mobilise an additional €200 million of European resources for social housing: “we signed a co-investment agreement with the European Investment Fund as part of the first national programme dedicated to social housing promoted by the EIF itself in Europe and we launched the new National Housing Fund, the first in Europe to enjoy the guarantee of the InvestEU programme in the area of social housing.”

The CEO of CDP Real Asset concluded by underlining how the Group has begun work on a new business plan: “In order to meet the needs of the country, we are examining our action plans with the aim of further consolidating our systemic role on the market as a catalyst for national and international investments.”