Social housing

We are pioneers in the creation of social housing infrastructure in Italy, the development of which is one of the CDP Group's priority objectives.

We operate throughout the entire lifecycle of social housing, identified by the “3 S’s” of social housing, student housing and senior housing. We are therefore an effective response to the social changes affecting our country, such as demographic trends, changing family structures and growing economic and regional disparities.

Our focus is on the repurposing of existing structures and their return to the country, with interventions that increasingly contribute to the regeneration of the neighbourhoods in which they are located, encouraging the formation of new communities and becoming engines of inclusion and social mix.


FIA | Fondo Investimenti per l’Abitare 

We invest in the private social housing sector to increase the supply of homes for rent at subsidised rents and for sale at subsidised prices, complementing the sectoral policies of the state and local authorities.

FNAS | Fondo Nazionale dell’Abitare Sociale

We complement the activities of the FIA Fund, which is mainly dedicated to social housing, by replicating the beneficial model of cooperation between public and private actors, focusing on all 3 S's of social housing infrastructure: Social, Student and Senior housing.

FNA | Fondo Nazionale dell’Abitare (InvestEU)

We increase the offer of affordable social housing in Italian municipalities with high housing tension and in disadvantaged areas present on the national territory, strengthening the lines of intervention and the experience gained by the FIA Fund.