FNA - Fondo nazionale dell'Abitare


We increase the offer of affordable social housing in Italian municipalities with high housing tension and in disadvantaged areas present on the national territory, strengthening the lines of intervention and the experience gained by the FIA Fund.


Type: The FNA is a closed-end real estate investment fund reserved to qualified investors. It is a "fund of funds" aimed at increasing the offer of housing solutions in Italy with the goal of reducing social exclusion through the investment of capital collected in shares of Target Funds dedicated to investments in residential real estate projects achieved to increasing the offer of social housing (pursuant to the Ministerial Decree of April 22, 2008).

Amount and Investors: 100 million euros invested by CDP Spa, supported by InvestEU Guarantee Program. The aim is to increase the resources to be invested through the attraction of other public and private investors.

Duration: 25 years (starting from the operational start date of July 4th, 2024), with expiration on December 31st following the completion of the twenty-fifth year. A possible extension of 3 years is envisaged.

Fund Governance: Unitholders' Meeting, the representative body of fund's unitholders; Advisory Committee, a body set up by the Board of Directors of CDP Real Asset SGR for opinions in relation to specific matters indicated in the regulation.

Depositary Bank: BNP Paribas Securities Services.